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Dec 22, 2011

Fake Psychic Review Forum

Note: www.spsreviewforum.com is a SCAM ITSELF! Hope is located in the UK. to HOPE will help "fix their reputation" or "drive down the post's rankings in the search engines" for a hefty fee.

http://www.spsreviewforum.com again I A SCAM ITSELF!

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Dec 22, 2011

Fake Psychic Review Forum

And please take a look on "My Profile" for: Hope SPSReviewForum --and http://spsreviewforum.com admin
Member since Nov 20, 2011
Private, Wyoming
United States

www.spsreviewforum.com admin is located in the UK NOT USA.
The admin "HOPE" of the site http://spsreviewforum.com is using privat registration and fake address in his profile!

The http://spsreviewforum.com is a REAL SCAM ITSELF -- Take $500 from you if you get listed on the site and you need to remove posting!!!

Hope SPSReviewForum
Dec 24, 2011

Fake Psychic Review Forum

I really hope you all can get a new job and stop scamming.
You are welcome to post your rebuttal in the forum, the section is open for serious and honest casters, are you one of them?
Stop making up lies, this forum is not about Hope's identity, it is hidden because of scammers like you, I have the right to protect my privacy and the privacy of the members of my forum.
I do not sell anything or offer any services, so my identity is not the problem here, I could be in the USA, UK or China, whoever and wherever I am does not change the fact that we expose scammers and the forum is making your operations more difficult, thank you for all the advertissing you are doing for us.
This is all part of your defamation campaign to slander the forum, as you posted in your email last month : " It will ensure that when people search for "spsreviewforum" for example that they do not take the negative reviews about you as seriously."
This sentence says it all and you admitted openly on the forum to be the one who sent this email.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Dec 26, 2011

Fake Psychic Review Forum

This is all the same SCAM -- I was a forum member !!!

New psychic scam called the Spells and Spirits Review Forum www.spsreviewforum.com . This is a forum claiming to expose scammers but in fact promotes psychics, has FAKE members, deletes threads and will ban you if you post a claim contrary to one of their "approved psychics." Most of these are sellers of "spirit objects" and psychic readings on eBay.

The tagline of the website is "Seeking for true and genuine online practitioners." Very telling.
Let me start by saying if you are claiming that some psychics are "real" while others are "fake" then you are already part of the scam.

The basic problem with this ridiculous site is that it seems to make the absurd assumption that there are real psychics. That assumption tells you one thing, the site is a complete and utter fraud.

Of course they state that they try to find the frauds but, of course, what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds.

This Hope (the admin of www.spsreviewforum.com) know there are no psychics at all and has found a pretty unique way to get attention to her/his scam artists.

People who are deluded by psychics will no doubt fall for this new trick, but people who have a lick of brains don't need a web site to seek out the frauds, they know for a fact that psychics are ALL 100% frauds so they don't need anyone to help them find the bad ones, they are all bad.

www.spsreviewforum.com promote their own list of recommended frauds like the anon registered domain www.orishaashe.com (Yaya Maria) which is a SCAM too.

Many people lost a lot of $$$ to www.orishaashe.com and www.spsreviewforum.com.

Hope SPSReviewForum
Dec 28, 2011

Fake Psychic Review Forum

I am Hope, owner and founder of the spsreviewforum.com (former spellscams.freeforumsblog.com/)

This report is part of a defamation campaign started against me and my forum by a group of scammers exposed on the forums.
We have been bullied and harassed by this group for the last few months.

Anyone interested in reading about all the fake reports and lies about us, feel free to visit the forum, we have a topic with the links to all the reports I find. : http://www.spsreviewforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=526

The accusations go from ridiculous to risible, so far they claim the forum is run by a "group psychics", Hope blackmails physics, Hope spam email accounts, Hope steals personal information, , Hope deletes posts, Hope bans members, Hope extorts members, Hope charges for referrals, Hope is a member of an organized crime, Hope is a psychic in Singapore, a woman in India, Hope is from UK, Hope is associated to psychics and spellcasters, Hope owns spellcasters sites, Hope invents fake casters, Hope promotes sites, Hope is another scammer, Hope is vindictive ... and the list goes on and on, when all that Hope does is to make it possible for members to EXPOSE SCAMMERS LIKE YOU, making up lies and fake reports about Hope and the forum is not going to make us go away.

Last month they sent an email to the spallcasters and psychics discussed and exposed on the forum instigating them to file reports against us, this email says it all:

You have been featured on the websites spellscams.freeforumsblog.com and spsreviewforum.com
These websites are run by a group of psychics. You may have been unfairly accused of being a psychic scammer. These forums are themselves, in fact, scams attempting to defame you and steal business from you.
If you would like the whole world to know that they are scams you do have recourse. You can post, for free, that they are scams on one or more of the following websites: ( I did not get the links, but I am sure they point to the reports mentioned above)
This is worth your time. It will only take a second to do so. And it will ensure that when people search for one of these websites that they hear your point of view. It will ensure that when people search for "spsreviewforum" for example that they do not take the negative reviews about you as seriously.
Google "spsreviewforum" and see what I mean.
Your Friend,
A Fellow Psychic

This email explains the reason behind this defamation campaign, they cannot shut us down, therefore they need to put us down.

To keep the record straight, Hope and the spsreviewforum.com are NOT associated with any spellcaster or psychic, Hope does not endorse any practitioner and does not blackmail or bribes anyone.

Not believing on physics and spells does not give you the right to attack us, please respect our beliefs the same way we respect yours.

Most members are very happy to find the forum; we help and support each other, we bring awareness on scams and expose scammers, feel free to join the spsreviewforum.com and see for yourself (scammers are not welcome)
Hope it helps

jame morgan1
Jan 7, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

You have us listed on your FAKE Bull Shit Forum site as Scams without any proof of the charge, Hope, or whatever your name is. I have to tell you, I'm not a scammer and have been practicing magick for over 30 years, and have forgotten more then you will ever know about magick, Ok? I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to ass paper the net with the negative reports on you, if you don't correct your mistake with us. By the way, I do have the power to push your ass right off the engines, in case you were wondering. Lasty, do you let Cyber Stalkers post on your site without checking their statements first?

Jan 7, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

If you are a genuine spellcastor or psychic and claiming that you have been wrongfully exposed as a scammer then why are you hiding under an alias name if you are real post your real name and details? Lots of vulnerable people have been preyed upon by false spellcastors who are clearly SCAM ARTISTS and it must hurt your pocket and business must be slow as more and more people are doing their research to STOP you from scamming others. Te language above from Jame Morgan1 just shows the lack of integrity and intelligence. If you were a real spellcastor would you speak and use language like that - I guess not so FAKE is my opinion just with your angry post.

jame morgan1
Jan 7, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

We here at www.bloodloveandlustspells.com requested that this site of spsreviewforum.com take down the false postings against us made by Scam Artist and Stalker Mary Prantil, and to remove us from their bad spell casters category, and they graciously complied with our request to do so as far as we know.

We don't have a problem with free speech, or in what people might think of us via any postings we see vented either for, or against us as opinion, speculation, or summation however, we do believe that unless someone can prove what they are saying as actual fact, or present it as a sincere opinion, then they shouldn't post it at all. We don't believe that a person should post out right lies as fact or truth as Prantil has done to us over the years, and this is why we've made an example out of this Stalker by suing her for over $200, 000.00 plus.

We also believe, that should a person post anything regarding another then they should not only stand behind the statements they make by producing proof of statement, but should also be held accountable via the laws pertaining to the freedom of speech and or, freedom of expression concerning any unlawful acts of liable and slander against that same other.

Concerning the report on the site in question of: spsreviewforum.com, I try not to make assumptions or judgments on anyone off of hearsay, and only judge an event via the hard core facts. I would just say that in this case, 'Let Justice Prevail” as the truth is the truth, and any distortion of the truth is nothing but a lie. Basically, all will be proven in the end when the smoke clears. We strongly advocate the exposing scammers wherever they are found. Were out of here and thank you so much for your kind attention. Jim Morgan

Jan 10, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

jame morgan1:

www.spsreviewforum.com is a scam itself!!!

They state that they try to find the frauds but what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds and hurt the competition.

They create a forum and then a bunch of fictional characters to manipulate potential victims into trusting a specific website. A quick review of the forum will show you that most of the posts are made by the same group of individuals most are likely the same person.

It is just a FAKE Psychic Review Forum! The scam forum is maybe from Dulles, Virginia.

Jan 10, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

@Jeffrey1 do you have evidence that this forum is a scam. If so, please post your personal experience, paypal or payment methods you used as I am guessing you are merely a scammer and have been exposed hence your slanderous posts. Remember it is a crimminal offence and slander to make allegations that are false. Please provide your full details and not hide behind an alias name and I am sure the authorities will investigate you whether you are a real person or another scammer hiding behind a computer screen.
This website is for members to share the honest experiences with psychics or spellscastors be it positive or negative. It is not recommending or endorsing any particular spellcastor or psychic. Have a great day!

Jan 10, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

jame morgan1 how can someone be intelligent but naive at the same time? don't be ridiculous -- they won't delete anything unless you get help from your attorney or make a complaint about the scam website to the host. or if you believe you've been scammed, file a complaint with the federal trade commission or to r i p o f f r e p o r t dot com

Hope SPSReviewForum
Jan 11, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

This is Hope, owner and founder of the SPS Review Forum, spsreviewforum.com.

Now you attack James Morgan for telling the truth, maybe Mr Morgan will clarify to you and everyone the fact that we never asked for anything from him, he reported a mistake in the forum and we corrected it because we do not get involved on Internet defamation and slandering campaigns.

As everyone can see, this forum has been victimized and bullied by some unscrupulous scammers who never says his real name. I agree with him, people must be held accountable when they post false information.

The SPS Review Forum is open to rebuttals from REAL PEOPLE, like Mr Morgan and others who have contacted me in the past, we listen to them and let them post their side of the story, but we do not listen to scammers who hide behind proxy servers and fake names.

Unfortunately the person behind all these reports can only slander, make false accusations, RORs, send spam emails and threaten the forum, but we are not going anywhere and we will expose all your scamming sites. I do not make up lies, I still do not know who you are, but I am waiting for my PI report for facts that can stand in a court of law.

As a matter of fact I thank Mr Morgan for sharing the name of his attorney because I have contacted him to help me make some people accountable for defamation and slander, yes it is illegal and there are laws in this country, you may have gotten away with it in the past, I know you have done this before but this may just be your last time.

I am done with all the trash talk and ready to take legal action, Let's Justice Prevail.

Thank you for listening


Jan 11, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

Slander should never be tolerated by anyone and you don't ever have to put up with it.

Slander is a form of defamation and it is the act of making a claim against another individual or business that are harmful and incorrect but presented as factual.

To sue for slander is very easy. Take screenshots of the posts that were made along with any responses. Write Your Complaint and once you have finished drafting your complaint, take it to the courthouse to file it (filing fee can range anywhere from $25 to $100). The more people you can prove read or spread the lies, the higher the monetary damages will be.

www.spsreviewforum.com will probably never make again false statements about you or others in the future.

Hope SPSReviewForum
Jan 13, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

Eleanor LLL, you are wrong, www.spsreviewforum.com, the web hosting company or phpbb are not responsible nor can be held liable for member's comments, we are a free open forum and members post their opinions and experiences. You may want to check your sources before giving false information or advise to others, again ...
Forums can not control what members post. However the sps review forum is open to rebuttals and explanations, we look and listen to reports of false allegations, any request coming from valid practitioners is taken into consideration, if a mistake is found, we correct it.
But we will not listen to people hiding behind proxy servers and using multiple identities, requests coming from proxy and anonymous accounts are ignored. If a real spellcaster has a rebuttal to file with us, there is no need to hide the way you are doing here.
Webmasters can not be held liable for member's opinions, good luck with your lawsuits, we are going to continue exposing scams and helping members.
The investigation about the vicious attacker behind this defamation campaign against us is still going, we will find and expose the scammers behind these lies, it is about integrity and truth.
The truth identity of the person who has written lies and instigated others to create defamation reports against us will be exposed, and not with frivolous lawsuits or anonymous complaints, but with facts about all the instances internet, bank and credit card fraud is being committed in your scamming pages, because you know i know who you are and all the pages you own and operate.
When we collect enough information, I will turn it to the authorities to prosecute. I am sure the internet will be a safer place.

Spsreviewforum.com - Scam Alert
Jan 18, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

Hope, you are a scammer! Karma will catch up to you soon enough!

I would encourage victims to post here: http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/wwwcreepyhollowscom-scam-wwwlifespiritssocietyofmagickcom-scam-rip-off-alert-c578612.html#c1154737

NEVER trust any positive comments made about Hope or her scam site SPSReviewForum. Complaints are filed on this website to expose scammers like her every day.

Fortunately, we are working on shutting down her website and filing a lawsuit to ensure people get back every dollar these crooks took from them!

Scammers eventually get caught and it will not be long before Hope is turned into the authorities. When this day comes, we can all breeze a little easier knowing that they can no long scam people. Their website will be shut done permanently and people will feel safe again!

Burn in hell HOPE!

Jan 18, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

Scam Alert it appears to me with your angry post that you are indeed another SCAMMER that has been exposed on this forum. Please provide your evidence and proof rather hiding behind a computer screen scamming people provide the evidence. It must really hurt your pocket that you have been exposed and business must be struggling. Your post is not one made by an intelligent person and lacks substance. If you had read any members posts you will have realised this is honest feedback from members posting their experience with a spellcastor be it positive or negative. Nobody endorsed or recommended any psychic or spellcastor and members decided themselves should they wish to use a particular spellcastor or psychic.

Good luck with your efforts and negativity I would go and get a real job and stop scamming others. If you are real post your real details and not hide behind a screen. Get a life!!!

Jan 18, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

Scam Alert please feel free to leave your real information so this can be passed on to the private investigator to research you and the authorities then everyone will know who is genuine and who is a SCAM ARTIST.

Jan 19, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

Yes Scam Alert please do leave your contact information. You seem troubled and the streets will safer with you locked up. The site is merely reviews, yet to go on attack mode of the owner day after day. The lies are so extreme they sometimes are hilarious. There is no money taken from anyone. You have been posting that same thing day after day. It must get tiring. If you hadn't either scammed or not been a bad practioner then no one would have said you were. If you are flipping out to this degree write your rebuttal. There is nothing illegal about the site, so all your desires of shutting it down won't make it go away.

Jan 19, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

file a complaint against www.spsreviewforum.com with the Internet Crime Complaint Center

if www.spsreviewforum.com will open a new scam forum, file a complaint aginst the new forum again!

we know it all www.spsreviewforum.com and the promoted website www.orishaashe.com are scam.
This scam is quite simply, they create a forum and then a bunch of fictional characters to manipulate potential victims into trusting a specific website.
a quick review of the forum will show you that most of the posts are made by the same group of individuals most are likely the same person.

they post about other spell casters on the forum without any proof of the charge and without checking the statements just to hurt the competition and lure victims to their scam websites.

Hope SPSReviewForum
Jan 19, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

Definitively starting to sound like a broken record, copy and paste old complaints?
By the way, do you like metal music? can you sing? my PI sent me a link to a metal band, something about witches, i can not remember the whole name now, I do not like metal music and did not like the demo release so i will not be buying it.

Hope is a former Waffle House Employee
Jan 20, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

********************* SPSReviewForum is a Scam *********************

Hope (aka SPSReviewForum) is all of the following: "swindler, charlatan, scam, ripoff, con artist, fraud, rip-off artist, and sham!

Hope started her scams on http://www.spellsforum.net and then discontinued using the site once everyone caught on to her scam.
Then she created a new forum called: spellscams.freeforumsblog.com "hoping" to deceive people and gain back their trust under a new name.

Now she hides on SPSReviewForum under the alises name of "Hope", who many believe is a obese unemployed man in his late 30's. He lost his job at the Waffle House during the recession but was let go for stealing tips from other waitresses on duty.

With no education and no skills to get a real job, Hope has turned to into a thief who plays the role as an innocent user on her forum.

Hope goes under many fake profiles on her website to manipulate you into trusting the wrong people. You then find out you were scammed and Hope bans you from her forum when you have no money left to give.

Mark my words that Hope will change forums once again. SPSReviewForum is a complete scam and I would encourage people to file a complaint against www.spsreviewforum.com with the Internet Crime Complaint Center

You can also contact Blue Host to have Hope's website removed off their servers.
Contact: [email protected] and let them know spsreviewforum scammed you.

Do not trust anyone who talks positive about SPSReviewForum. Hope likes to make many fake profiles on this website in efforts to prevent people from knowing the truth.

The Truth: SPSReviewForum is a complete scam!

********************* SPSReviewForum is a Scam *********************

Jan 20, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

So Hope is now an obese man who was fired for stealing servers tips? Really? You make a lot of accusations however fail to offer ANY evidentiary support. You also ask for others to make complaints with the Internet Crime Complaint Center, while I support any persons right to file complaints against those who would scam others via the internet... I caution you... FILLING FALSE REPORTS IS A CRIME OF WHICH YOU WILL BE PROSECUTED. If you think that all these false complaints is going to hurt the forum. You are mistaken. Honest people giving honest opinions will never be considered a crime. You are however providing valuable evidence for YOUR own prosecution. Yes, I am a forum member, Yes I am a REAL PERSON. I am more than willing to be interviewed by ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY, So if you would like to provide which investigator you're working with I will contact said investigator forthwith.
I will ask though... you claim that Hope has MANY different profiles... Please site which fake profiles you're referring to. In truth with the alleged information that you already claim to have you should already be able to press charges? So why have no charges been filled?
I will say this in closing, ... Your many complaints under all these different aliases actually make me smile... Yes I said smile... All these false complaints against a forum that offers honest reviews means that you are losing money because the truth about you has been brought to light. I urge you to go forward with your complaint to the Internet Crime Complaint Center... Please continue, if you think that they wont look at you, haha you are mistaken. Then not only will your many false reports under many different aliases here be brought to light, but also those YOU have ripped off. I await for your personal message me providing said information so that I might speak with the investigator thats working on this case.

Jan 20, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

I am willing to file a complaint against www.spsreviewforum.com with the Internet Crime Complaint Center. Thank you for the information.

I was robbed by Hope
Jan 20, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

I will be doing the same! www.spsreviewforum.com scammed me out of $2, 700 USD. I want my money back within 24 hours Hope, or I will file a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

How can you look at yourself everyday for ripping people off?

Ignore the scare tactic made by singingbreeze13. It's just another fake profile created by Hope.

Jan 20, 2012

Fake Psychic Review Forum

sorry hope but why there are so many people make scam reports about the spsreviewforum how should we trust you now?

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