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Consumer reviews about www.dl-provider.com

Dec 9, 2011

Scam Artist

those any one know PROTECT-NETDWLD.COM is?

Sherri Lindauer
Dec 12, 2011

Scam Artist

any one remember the phone number when you first signed up!

Dec 17, 2011

Scam Artist

Wow...thank you everyone for sharing. I was about to register the trial membership. Luckily I found this useful board.. Thank you very much!!!

Dec 20, 2011

Scam Artist

Thanks for sharing guys. I was seconds from falling for this trap. I knew it was too good to hear. I wanted to download the movie immortals and found this site. Thank God for these review sites

This is not a scam
Dec 23, 2011

Scam Artist

I download all my movies from this site... and i didn't get scammed... ur a load of crap!!! dont listen... this is a good site... wtf r u guys talkin bout... wateva... ill hav this site all to myself... i reccomend 10/10 for sure... later :)

This is not a scam
Dec 23, 2011

Scam Artist

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This is not a scam
Dec 23, 2011

Scam Artist

i am so cool
i am so cool

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i am so cool
i am so cool

i am so cool
i am so cool

i am so cool
i am so cool

i am so cool
i am so cool

i am so cool
i am so cool

This is not a scam
Dec 23, 2011

Scam Artist

wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk wat the fuk

This is not a scam
Dec 23, 2011

Scam Artist

heyyyyyyyyyyyy baby... i love u... kiss me... wat the fuk

Dec 27, 2011

Scam Artist

After I signed up for the trial membership, the material I was searching for and found on this site disappeared. Nothing seemed to be working with my computer. I think I will call my bank and either stop future payments for this company, or report my credit card info has been compromised.

Dec 27, 2011

Scam Artist

Also, I suspect that someone from the company has been posting here to keep people from seeing the complaints. My bank also notified me that the charges were coming from Mauritius

Jefke friet
Dec 29, 2011

Scam Artist

Just make something up and they will have it ready for you to download... NOT!
Search for example for 'sdfdjkh sdfjkh sdfkjhdsf' on their website and you will find it! Really strange!
You can recognise that kind of scamming websites if you see them offering ... full download ... free download ... updated 3 days ago ... fast download ... 2011 etc...
Make something up yourself (not too big, or they will have you trough) and you will see... If they have it... GO AWAY!

Jan 2, 2012

Scam Artist

Just as Jefke said, I entered search for the random string "eejuuski", and it "found" 3 files, all recent uploads. They are Thieves! Lying bastards.

Jan 6, 2012

Scam Artist

After all this time I finally got all my money back in the bank. The bank filed scam charges against the company and that case is still pending in court. It may go on forever since they are hiding behind a dummy company to get money. To "this is not a scam" why hide your name if this company is on the up and up. I can tell you why because you work for the company and after my initial post you flooded my email with your junk emails. If this is a good download site why is RIAA trying to get them shut down. Thanks, Emily

Feb 6, 2012

Scam Artist

This company sucks!

I was looking to download one lousy movie & the same thing that happened to everyone else happened - have to be member, 3 day trial for 1.99 (cool, heaps of time to download 1 movie), no mention of AU$50 + membership after that, at the time or on my receipt, and refusal to respond to my repeated requests for the credit of this amount, considering I downloaded the stupid user tool 3 times because every time I attempted to download anything it asked me to download the tool, but then wouldn't download the stupid movie, and of course, the movie I was originally looking for was no longer there!

Seriously people, do yourself a huge favour and avoid this site like the plague!!! Trust me - you won't regret it, no matter how attractive the site you're trying to download from looks (even more reason to be sus), you don't want to have to endure what the rest of have.

And that person that left all those stupid comments (I am so cool etc). I laugh in your face Dude, have I got news for you - the rest of the world just thinks you're nothing but a big fat LOSER, who has no life, and has to resort to the tactics of a 5 yr old, and apparently only has the IQ of a house brick. Grow up!

Feb 6, 2012

Scam Artist

Wow, thats funny - the comment I just posted didnt translate vvery well, and I checked it thoroughly before I posted it. It makes it look like Im cursing. So Ive taken out the little sign used when you shorten 2 words into 1 and will post this and see if it works. Apologies peoples.

Mar 22, 2012

Scam Artist

I too bought something for 1.99 for 3 days. They charged me 54.00, but my credit card company called me right away and asked it I wanted the charge (robot voice) I declined it. Was originaly trying to download a driver for Gigaware driver. Thanks credit union.

Mar 28, 2012

Scam Artist

I will agree this site appears to be a scam. I thought I was signing up for the 3 day trial, but got charged immediately for a 2 year subscription I call the online help number 6 times.to try to get the account activated.Sent 6 email requests. All I got was to use the password I signed up with. Which never worked. I got 3 charges on my card because I didn't cancel in 3 days, twice one month and 1 the next month. The agents did agree to a refund 2 charges, but turned around after the refunds a debited my card again. I canceled my card the make sure the charges stopped. Never did get any satisfaction form the email help site. These guys are CROOKS. All agents have Indian accents and I think are hard to understand on purpose.
BEWARE because several other site that download software will transfer you to dl-provider.

Mar 31, 2012

Scam Artist

Idiots idiots idiots!!! All of you!!! Get a grip!
Anyone connects their bank account or credit card to a website offering top movies or music to download is asking to get their ass bitten! Sometimes you get to watch a movie on Youtube if you're lucky. I've done it, and it's cool to do it. But even that is dishonest though it does no real harm..

Dec 13, 2012

withdrew money from account

this PROTECT-NETDWLD.COM has drawen out $69.00 plus 2.00 charge once from my account. I don't even know who they are. Would like some information on what & who they are. I can't pay for something I don't have a clue about.

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